Local Programs
SARAH SHARPE is the Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent for Greene, Albemarle, Fluvanna, and Louisa Counties. She specializes in Local Foods and Commercial Horticulture.

Click on to view and subscribe to the latest *GREENE COUNTY AG NEWSLETTER* by Sarah Sharpe with upcoming programs & events
Greene County Mailing List Updates...
Want to switch to an emailed newsletter instead of a mailed newsletter? Do you have ag related questions or have farm issues?
To continue to receive regular physical mailings, you must confirm your information! Fill out the form found at this website (https://tinyurl.com/greenemail2022) or call our office to update your information so that we can keep in contact.
Greene County Hay Producers
This is a new list for the county! If you are interested in selling hay in Greene County, we can add you to this list and post to this website. This promises to be a valuable resource for people who contact our office looking to purchase hay. You can provide us your contact information by filling out this form (https://tinyurl.com/sellgreenehay2022) or calling our office.
"Grown in Greene"
We are compiling a list featuring farms/farmers and what they offer for sale. This list will provide focus on the produce, fruits, vegetables, valueadded products, animals, meat etc that you offer to for sale to the community. We had compiled a list in the past and it is time to update and get the word out. Help us help you get the word out!
Complete this form (https://tinyurl.comgrowningreene2022) or call our office.
Women In Agriculture Gathering 2023
is being worked on.
The Gathering provides women farmers, landowners, and agriculture enthusiasts with opportunites to network with peers, hone technical skills, and discuss solutions to the unique challenges they face. Please visit our website Virginia Women In Agriculture for more information and to register.
For Information on Becoming a Master Gardener Please contact our office
- Soil Testing for Lawn/Garden and Commercial/Pasture
- Weed Identification and Control Recommendations
- Pest Identification and Control Recommendations
- Plant Disease Identification and Control Recommendations
OTHER AGENTS WHO SERVE GREENE COUNTY (along with their specialties)
- Carrie Swanson (livestock, pastures and horses)
- Charles Rosson (cattle)
- Adam Downing (forestry and natural resources)
While viewing the family unit as the cornerstone of a healthy community, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agents and volunteers work in Greene County with a focus on improving wellness for individuals and their families. There are many aspects of overall wellness including nutrition, health, financial management, and family dynamics throughout the life span. As educators, community resources, and links to professionals throughout the community, their goal is to implement effective educational and outreach programs that provide people with the life skills needed to make positive changes, and improve their overall sense of well-being.
Check out the Virginia Family Nutrition Program's
Website: Eat Smart Move More
Blog: Eat Smart Move More Blog
Diabetes Prevention Program
Are you looking to improve your health? Take the steps to prevent Type 2 diabetes with the Diabetes Prevention Program from Virginia Cooperative Extension! We are currently offering an online program starting in March. And bonus—it’s FREE!
Participants will get support making healthy lifestyle changes to achieve their goals. To receive more information complete this survey: (click here for survey)
Crysti Hopkins at hcrysti2@vt.edu or 540-967-3422 / Kimberly Booker at kimberlyb@vt.edu or 434-872-4579
FREE: Training Opportunites for Infant and Toddler Staff on food safety and sanitation procedures.
American Dietetic Association
Buy Fresh Buy Local
Family Album Radio
National Center for Home Preservation
Smart Beginnings - Ready for School, Ready for Life
USDA = Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Virginia Agriculture and Food Entrepreneurship Program
Virginia Household Water Quality Program & Virginia Master Well Owner Network
Save the date! Camp will be held July 10-14, 2023! You can find more information in the newletter here... 4-H Newsletter
Financial aid is available on a limited basis tanks to the generous donations of local businees, orgnaizations and Individuals. Financial aid forms will be availableMarch 15, 2023, call the office for more information.

4-H Camp offers educational fun and adventure! Enjoy classes - swimming, canoeing, archery, rifle marksmanship, fishing, high and low ropes, outdoor living, nature, sports, theater, arts, crafts, and MORE! In afternoons, campers will have the opportunity to swim and play games with their fellow campers. In the evenings, campers join in exciting games and special activities, followed by songs and stories around the campfire. Youth must be at least nine by September 30th but no older than 14 by January 1 in order to attend as campers. Youth who are at least 14 by January 1 but no older than 19 may apply to become teen leaders. Training and screening is required for all teen and adult volunteers. Contact Kathy Alstat at 434-985-5236 or kalstat@vt.edu for more information.
While all of our clubs have regualr monthly meeting dates and locations, these can be subject to change due to holidays, weather or other scheduling conflicts. If you are planning to join a club and are not currently receiving updates from email or mailing lists, please contact Kathy Alstat before attending! For more information about any 4-H Clubs, please contact Kathy Alstat at 434-985-5236 or email kalstat@vt.edu.
ADULTS: If you would be interested in assisting with an existing program, or would be interested in starting a new 4-H Club, please contact Kathy Alstat at 434-985-5236 or kalstat@vt.edu to set up a meeting to discuss volunteer screening and training requirements.

Livestock Club - Are you interested in farm animals and agriculture? This club is for youth interested in raising and showing livestock animals (sheep, swine and beef). Join us the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Greene Extension Office for programs on caring for market and breeding animals. Please contact our office for age requirements.

Alpaca Club - This club is for youth who want to learn about caring for and showing alpacas. Members will learn about basic care, grooming and showmanship and have the option of learning how to compete in obstacle courses with their assigned alpaca. Members do not need to own an alpaca to join this club, but will need to commit time and effort into training with an alpaca. In addition, members will learn about alpaca wool and products and will have the opportunity to make crafts using alpaca fiber. Please contact our office for age requirements. Alpaca Club is currently on hold.

Greene HorseShoes Club - Do you love learning about horses? Join us on the first Tuesday of each month, at 6:30 at the Extension Office, as we meet to learn about horses. Members do not need to own a horse or be experienced riders. We also go on field trips and trail rides as time, and weather permits. Please contact our office for age requirements. *Do to limited space at our stables, we are not accepting new members at this time.

Cloverbuds - Fun and learing for the youngest 4-H Members! Cloverbuds are children who will be at least 5, but no older than 8. Cloverbud groups emphasize parent involvement and support through hands-on, age appropriate educational activities, songs and games. Greene 4-H is seeking adult volunteers to lead the Cloverbud Club, starting this fall. All adult leaders must be trained and screened and will work closely with the 4-H Agent, who will provide lesson plans, curriculum and support. This club will not be able to continue without the support of adult leaders. Please think about volunteering!

Robotics - This seasonal, short-term club participates in the First Lego League Tournament in November. This club is not accepting members at this time. We are in need of 2 screened adult 4H volunteers to help with this club in order to open for members.

International Club - Start your journey around the world! This club is for youth interested in learning about countries and cultures around the world through educational programs, field trips, crafts, games and food! We usually meet on the third Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 p.m. at the Ext. Office. Please watch for special programming dates in November and December due to the holiday season. Please conatact our office for age requirements.

Y.E.S. (Youth Energized for Success) Club - This life skills program for youth ages 10 and up teaching about food, nutrition, consumer science, entrepeneurship, career development and more! Fund raising activities support our family-style suppers and educational programs. This club usually meets on the first Thursday of each month at our office. Members support their club financially by making a variety of jams, pie fillings, pickles and other products, and selling them at the Country Store at the Greene Extension Office and occasionally at various venues around the county.

Teen Club - Leadership, Friendship and Service. This club is for any 4-H member who is 13-19 and interested in leadership and service to 4-H and the community. We usually meet on the second Sunday of each month. One of the Teen Club's major projects is to choose the theme for camp with the cooperation of our Fluvanna counterparts and then plan and lead our 4-H Camp each year.
For Cloverbuds your child must be 5, but no older than 8 by September 30, 2022. CURRENTLY SEEKING ADULT VOLUNTEERS TO HELP LEAD THIS CLUB!
For Livestock Club, Greene HorseShoes Club, and International Club youth must be 9 by September 30, 2022.
For Teen Club youth must be between the ages of 13 and 19.
Eligibility as a 4-H member ends on December 31 of a 4-H members 19th year.
On October 1 we begin a new 4-H enrollment year (October 1 - September 30). Each member and adult volunteer is required to register online, or if they do not have internet access, fill out a new enrollment packet for the enrollment year. In order to register online, you must choose at least one specific club for your child to join. You may add othe clubs or camp later. Current members will receive a reminder and information on re-enrollment during the first week of October.
To register on-line, go to https://va2.4honline.com.
If you have any questions, please call 434-985-5236 or email Kathy Alstat at kalstat@vt.edu.
Virginia Cooperative Extension specialists in community viability work with Extension agents, campus-based faculty, organizational partners, communities, and individuals to further opportunity and build capacity in five program areas:
Examples of our work include training county elected officials, educating entrepreneurs, facilitating collaborative projects, supporting the growth of community food systems and local economies, enhancing agent skills and community capacity in facilitation and leadership, conducting problem-driven research, and creating publications and tools that address critical community needs.
Do you have a question about Community Viability?
Perhaps one of the Community Viability specialists below can help you. Contact a Community Viability specialist or direct a question to them using our Ask an Expert system.